How’s your health? And a quick update

Hope this finds you well. Are you aware that there are over 10% more deaths p.a. (than the national average) due to long-term exposure to air pollution in Runnymede? Shocking isn’t it?

On a separate note: it’s been a while since we last updated the ‘News’ page on this site (August 13th to be precise). I’m aware that it might seem, sometimes,  as though nothing’s happening – but I can assure you that our small group is still working hard – behind the scenes. Our main thrust is:

  • Keeping the pressure on and communicating the effects of increased traffic on our local communities
  • Working against Heathrow expansion

To this end, this is what we do:

  • EGAG meetings to decide on way forward (monthly, approximately)

Members of our group also attend meetings with:

  • CAIAN (Communities against Increased Aircraft Noise), an umbrella group for local action and residents’  groups from Windlesham to Teddington
  • Heathrow Noise Forum
  • Heathrow data verification sub-committee, which is
    • Involved in verification of Webtrak info, and
    • Assessing increase of traffic in nominated areas – one of which is EG area
      • (Both the above studies are being conducted by companies independent of Heathrow)
  • HACAN (Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise)
  • LAANC (Local Areas Against Noise Committee) meetings **for which we will now have to pay an annual sum**
  • RBWM Aviation Forum
  •  Aviation Environment Federation

Council and government:

  • We are still trying to achieve more ‘buy-in’ from our local councillors and council to take on-going action on our behalf.
  • Lobbying Phillip Hammond MP: keeping awareness of our campaign going.
  • Contacting and lobbying government (ncluding the PM and DfT) on why the Davies’ Report  re Heathrow expansion is flawed

In addition to the above, it’s vital that we consult a variety of sources and bring ourselves up to speed with technical info – and, most importantly environmental information. The latter can sometimes be deeply shocking, as per our headline info (source: North West Surrey CCG Health Profile 2015 p.46) and only serves to reinforce the message that this is a campaign we can’t let slip.

If you can help out in any way, you’d be very welcome. Oh, and in case you haven’t already seen this:


Do come along.

Have a great weekend.