Author: egagteam

PH Meeting 31/3

Meeting Presentation slides here Press release from EGAG – (Englefield Green Action Group) 3rd April 2017 For immediate use The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Phillip Hammond, advises village not to be complacent on Heathrow. At a packed public meeting on Friday evening (31 March), local MP Phillip Hammond told an audience of over 300 constituents that […]

Have your say

Image used under license from IMPORTANT meeting next Monday 20th all day at The Hythe Centre, Thorpe Road, Staines TW18 3HD. Please make every effort to attend and HAVE YOUR SAY. Click for full schedule and details heathrow-expansion-have-your-say

Time to take action

Over the last few years Englefield Green has found itself under ‘new’ flight paths as routes that have been used for years have nudged towards us** Should Heathrow expansion be given the green light the prospects for Englefield Green, in terms of further noise and air pollution (amongst other things), are dire. It was recently […]

Davies commission maps

Those who attended the rally in EG yesterday were truly shocked to see copies of maps from the Davies report with suggested flight paths, based on a three runway configuration. The prospect for EG is truly dire. To see the maps, visit the home page of our site or use this link: You may […]

‘No ifs, no buts….’

Over 100 residents attended the rally in a very windy EG yesterday to air their concerns and protest against Heathrow expansion. The crowd chanted David Cameron’s pre-2010 election promise of ‘No ifs, no buts, no 3rd runway.’ HACAN (who organised the Advan) reported that the turnout had been the largest over the 3 day tour. […]

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